Keck’s Grading/Homework Policy:
Successful learning occurs in an environment where the teacher clearly communicates expectations and students accept responsibilities. Thus, I ask that students and parents review this policy and sign the accompanying sheet to demonstrate their understanding of my class policies.
1. Grades: Your grades will be determined by factoring the following:
Homework/Classwork Completion: 15% Papers, Tests, Projects: 60%
Quizzes: 25%
2. Homework/Classwork: Homework is assigned several times a week and usually involves a reading or writing assignment. Classwork varies daily, but sometimes will require the student to complete a reading and/or writing assignment to be turned in at the end of the period. Both homework and classwork will be checked for completion and assigned a grade of zero (not completed) to 5 (fully completed). These grades are averaged quarterly and comprise 10% of the marking-period grade.
3. Quizzes: Some quizzes are announced; others are not. Unannounced quizzes are based on homework or classwork assignments that should be kept in the student’s notebook at all times. Students can then use their completed assignments as they take these quizzes. Therefore, it is imperative that students maintain an updated, organized notebook and bring it to class daily!
4. Due Dates: Due dates for projects and papers are chosen so as to give students more than ample time to complete assignments. It is highly recommended that students meet deadlines so that they do not face a penalty for lateness, to be determined at the teacher’s discretion.
5. Absenteeism:
A. Regular absences: Work – including homework – missed due to an excused absence must be made up for the next day. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments. That is, I will not chase down all of my absent students to provide them with missed work. Absent students who miss an announced quiz or test should be prepared to take it the day they return to school.
B. School-Function absences: If students miss class time due to school-related activities (field trips, athletic contests, etc.), they must obtain assignments in advance. Assignments due on such days when students know they will be absent from class must be passed in to me before the end of that school day! Students will remain responsible for any homework assigned in a class they know they will miss.
6. Preparedness: I expect students to come to class prepared to work with writing utensils and an organized notebook in which to keep class notes, vocabulary lists, and handouts.
7. Classroom Conduct: Students are expected to be cooperative, attentive, and courteous in class. In particular, students should follow these rules of behavior:
a. Do not text in class! Cell phones should remain out of sight and turned off.
b. Raise hands when wanting to speak! Please refrain from interrupting others.
c. Avoid disrespectful and inappropriate language! Your words define you.
d. Pay attention in class! Do not sleep, talk over others, or listen to your iPod.
e. Drink only if you do it quietly AND clean up after yourself! My room is not a trash can.
NOTE: A student found using a cell phone, i-Pod, or other personal electronic device in class will surrender said device to Mr. Keck – as per the Student Handbook – until the end of the period!
8. Attendance: Students should arrive in class on time with all necessary materials. Students not present will be marked absent. Students who arrive late without a legitimate pass will be marked “unexcused tardy.” WARNING: I input my daily attendance scrupulously; any student who deserves to lose credit in my class due to attendance indiscretions will indeed lose credit. Seniors, in particular, should take note!
9. Extra help: If you need extra help, please do not hesitate to see me. I am available during lunch/activity period on most days to offer you any help you may request or require. I am here to help you learn, so please take advantage of that opportunity!
10. Communication: My e-mail address ([email protected]) and my website ( are two very helpful resources. I encourage parents and students to use them for inquiries regarding assignments, class policies, and the like.
Successful learning occurs in an environment where the teacher clearly communicates expectations and students accept responsibilities. Thus, I ask that students and parents review this policy and sign the accompanying sheet to demonstrate their understanding of my class policies.
1. Grades: Your grades will be determined by factoring the following:
Homework/Classwork Completion: 15% Papers, Tests, Projects: 60%
Quizzes: 25%
2. Homework/Classwork: Homework is assigned several times a week and usually involves a reading or writing assignment. Classwork varies daily, but sometimes will require the student to complete a reading and/or writing assignment to be turned in at the end of the period. Both homework and classwork will be checked for completion and assigned a grade of zero (not completed) to 5 (fully completed). These grades are averaged quarterly and comprise 10% of the marking-period grade.
3. Quizzes: Some quizzes are announced; others are not. Unannounced quizzes are based on homework or classwork assignments that should be kept in the student’s notebook at all times. Students can then use their completed assignments as they take these quizzes. Therefore, it is imperative that students maintain an updated, organized notebook and bring it to class daily!
4. Due Dates: Due dates for projects and papers are chosen so as to give students more than ample time to complete assignments. It is highly recommended that students meet deadlines so that they do not face a penalty for lateness, to be determined at the teacher’s discretion.
5. Absenteeism:
A. Regular absences: Work – including homework – missed due to an excused absence must be made up for the next day. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed assignments. That is, I will not chase down all of my absent students to provide them with missed work. Absent students who miss an announced quiz or test should be prepared to take it the day they return to school.
B. School-Function absences: If students miss class time due to school-related activities (field trips, athletic contests, etc.), they must obtain assignments in advance. Assignments due on such days when students know they will be absent from class must be passed in to me before the end of that school day! Students will remain responsible for any homework assigned in a class they know they will miss.
6. Preparedness: I expect students to come to class prepared to work with writing utensils and an organized notebook in which to keep class notes, vocabulary lists, and handouts.
7. Classroom Conduct: Students are expected to be cooperative, attentive, and courteous in class. In particular, students should follow these rules of behavior:
a. Do not text in class! Cell phones should remain out of sight and turned off.
b. Raise hands when wanting to speak! Please refrain from interrupting others.
c. Avoid disrespectful and inappropriate language! Your words define you.
d. Pay attention in class! Do not sleep, talk over others, or listen to your iPod.
e. Drink only if you do it quietly AND clean up after yourself! My room is not a trash can.
NOTE: A student found using a cell phone, i-Pod, or other personal electronic device in class will surrender said device to Mr. Keck – as per the Student Handbook – until the end of the period!
8. Attendance: Students should arrive in class on time with all necessary materials. Students not present will be marked absent. Students who arrive late without a legitimate pass will be marked “unexcused tardy.” WARNING: I input my daily attendance scrupulously; any student who deserves to lose credit in my class due to attendance indiscretions will indeed lose credit. Seniors, in particular, should take note!
9. Extra help: If you need extra help, please do not hesitate to see me. I am available during lunch/activity period on most days to offer you any help you may request or require. I am here to help you learn, so please take advantage of that opportunity!
10. Communication: My e-mail address ([email protected]) and my website ( are two very helpful resources. I encourage parents and students to use them for inquiries regarding assignments, class policies, and the like.